Accomplish the extraordinary


Readings: 2 KGS 5:1-15AB; PS 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; LK 4:24-30

What is God asking of you? When we think about this question, our thoughts often can lead us to think of big and extraordinary things, after all, it is God who is asking. While this may be the case for some individuals, for most of us, it is in the small every day common things that God asks us to do things.

In today’s first reading, Naaman expected the cure to his leprosy would require a big and extraordinary action for his cure. But it wasn’t, it was the simple act of washing. Naaman was furious, the action required did not meet his expectations, and thus he initially rejected it, until his servants explained

if the prophet had told you to do something extraordinary, would you not have done it?

Most days, what God asks us to do is a simple as our ordinary everyday things like taking care of the kids, hauling out the garbage, doing our best at work or school, or even treating a stranger kindly with the simple task of holding a door open for them. It also includes the simple task of having a conversation with God, by praying and reading scripture. Nothing difficult. Nothing impossible for everyone to do every day.

So as we continue the journey through Lent, don’t go looking for those big things, simply do the little things to the best of your ability. And in the end, you will have accomplished the big and extraordinary mission God has asked of you.

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